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 Sustainability has been a cornerstone of the Detmold Group for over 75 years, guiding the Group’s product offering, manufacturing capabilities, and day-to-day operations.

We view sustainability as an evolving process, striving to improve our systems and processes to continue supporting our customers in making responsible and informed packaging choices and our vision of creating packaging for a better tomorrow.  

Working Together

At the Detmold Group, our purpose is to make a positive impact for our people, partners, and our planet. We work closely with industry bodies, local and federal government, and leading industry associations, allowing us to remain at the forefront of global packaging legislation, emerging industry trends and insights, and sustainability initiatives and guidelines.

Award Winning

  The Detmold Group was one of the first signatories to the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO), a sustainable packaging initiative that encourages businesses to reduce the environmental impacts of consumer packaging. Our unwavering commitment to sustainable packaging solutions has earned us numerous awards from APCO, leading industry bodies, and our valued customers.

Sustainability Champion Industry Sector Award;
Excellence in Sustainability;
Sustainability Packaging Design
Packaging Design & Innovation Packaging Design & Innovation

Committed to a better tomorrow

  Our 2025-2050 Sustainability Goals demonstrate our commitment to making a positive impact for our people, partners, and planet. Encompassing 15 targets across the key impact areas of Climate, Nature, Circularity, and Governance, these goals actively demonstrate our commitment to being an innovative global partner, creating packaging for a better tomorrow.


Reducing our emissions
aligned with global targets


Protection of plants,
animals, habitat and 
human health


Reduce waste and operate
in a circular economy
to eliminate landfill


Transparency and accountability for our performance


Committed to reducing our carbon emissions, increasing renewably sourced electricity, and achieving Net zero emissions.

Rooftop Solar 

 Since 2023 we have installed rooftop solar at two of our manufacturing facilities at Regency Park, South Australia and most recently in 2024 Heshan, China.  


The Detmold Group was one of the first signatories to the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO), a sustainable packaging initiative that encourages businesses to reduce the environmental impacts of consumer packaging. As a result of our commitment to sustainable packaging solutions we have been the recipient of numerous awarded from both APCO and customers.

Australian Packaging Covenant Organistation Awards  

  • High Performer Award - 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
  • Sustainability Packaging Design Award - 2015
  • Manufacturer Sustainability Award - 2017
  • Excellence in Sustainability - 2018
Detmold Group Sustainability Awards - APCO

End of Life Disposal

We promote sustainable packaging design, increased recycling rates and efforts to reduce packaging litter. Recycling, as part of a Circular Economy is our preferred system, ensuring the highest worth is realised from raw materials. We work directly with waste management and resource recovery stakeholders to develop increasingly sustainable options for product disposal, including diverting products into new recycling streams. 

Find out more about our RecycleMe program

Detmold Group RecycleMe cups shredded bundle

Impact Reduction 

As a business, it is important that we understand our total energy usage, so we can take steps to mitigate our environmental impact. As part of this The Group is consistently striving to reduce the amount of waste created and energy and water used in the manufacturing process. 

Detmold Group Sustainability Reduction Chart

The Detmold Groups Sustainability Impact Reduction Data. 2008-2017 comparison base on Australian production.

Group Environmental Policy 

Our Group Environmental Policy highlights our commitment to reducing environmental impact through sustainable practices, continuous improvement, and compliance with relevant regulations.